Korg Volca Drum Editor and Soundbank - VST and Standalone


here is my Midi Editor with Sound Bank for the Korg Volca Drum Synthesizer, the „ Volca Drum Editor“.


With the Volca Drum Editor you have direct access to all parameters and can save them as a Sound Data File and

load them back into the Volca Drum at any time. 

In the PlugIn VST Version you can record the controller movements and how to integrate the Volca Drum Synth into your DAW Project. 


Editor Features:

- Complex sound changes

- Direct access to the sound parameters

- All controllers can be automated.

- X-Y modulation of all parameters

- The Editor settings can be stored in a Sound Bank and loaded again.

- With the „Random“ function new sounds can be generated quickly for each drum part. 

Which you can save and load into any drum part.

- Drum Kits can be put together and saved.

- A Sound Bank with 50 Sounds and 3 Drum Kits is included.


The editor is available for PC as VST / Standalone 32/64 bit and for MAC as VST / AU / Standalone 64 bit.




Price 5,90€ / $ 6,90


Greeting, Momo Müller



Info Page:  https://korg-volca-drum-editor.jimdofree.com


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg-LQEYc08o


Pic:  https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=1070x10000:format=jpg/path/s3d620a6c6825884d/image/i25649bd57d5d30dc/version/1589561562/korg-volca-drum-editor-and-sound-bank-vst-and-standalone.jpg

Demo Video

